Thursday, February 9, 2012

revolution, slow time coming

This urge to wander and learn has always been with me. Every step I have taken in this life, my life has felt drawn to experience a nomadic existence. I cannot shake it. So I have decided to take an undetermined amount of time off and backpack Europe and possibly towards India.

It's a really big goal. I'm often described as idealistic or with my head in the clouds. It is true. I am those things.

But that nagging beckoning call of other cultures, and stories, and the road, and adventure has become annoyingly burdensome.Is it now or never? Probably not. But I realized that I am never going to be able to decide what I want to pursue in life, when this is constantly alluring, It can't go ignored.

I thought the military was going to be my thing for four years. A year ago, I was happily serving, excited and proud to get into uniform. When that didn't work out, I honestly was crushed. I was processed out. I've felt like such a failure with the military. But something that I have been told time and time again, that if it's something that I want to do, I should just do it. My grandma recently told me that she wished she did so many things when she was younger, but she didn't do them. She lives in a lot of regret.

Have you ever had one of those moments where your mortality just snaps into focus. I don't want to be at end of my life wishing I did certain things. And I won't be able to move forward in life until I do this.

From now until the end of my trip, I will be keeping this blog. I really hope that when I am done, I can look on this blog and be proud of the progress I made. So, from now until I leave, I want to post at least three times a week.

So, I'll save some stuff until later.

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